AccuMed Behavioral Health EHR – Lab Order Video Series 3 of 3

The third video of a three part series on computerized lab order covers lab results. In training video 1 we learned how to enter a lab order. We also learned that how AccuMed Behavioral Health EHR Electronic Lab Ordering module can streamline workflow. In training video 2 we learned how to schedule lab orders. We also learned how AccuMed Behavioral Health EHR Electronic Lab Ordering module can save your agency time.

Improved Health Care Quality

Vastly improve accessibility to orders and results offers your clinicians the ability to review orders and result historically. Resulting in informed decisions and analysis by your care providers. Electronic orders can greatly improve order accuracy and reduce the potential human errors evident in a conventional paper orders, such as handwriting legibility errors. AccuMed EHR Lab Order module adheres to proper standards and messaging which provides our uses with a consistent and uniform result data set. Thus supporting your providers to make informed clinical decisions.

Accumedic’s Support Team has put together a 3 part web training video series surrounding the Lab Order Module on the Support Portal

The Video 3 Tutorial Agenda

  • Lab Results Alerts
  • View Lab Results

To view the first video training for the AccuMed Lab Order Module Click Here or log into the AccuMed Support Site and search the knowledge base for key word Lab Orders


After watching the tutorial, please remember to rate the knowledge base article. Your feedback is very important to us.